2017 CFP – Submit Now

Sixth Annual Radical Democracy Conference
May 5-6, 2017 | NYC


The Department of Politics at the New School for Social Research embraces the occasion of the 6th Annual Radical Democracy Conference to ask what’s the matter? As a springboard into the material, practical, historical, lived, aesthetic, discursive and theoretical manifestations of Radical Democracy, and the constellation of claims with which it is associated. As preceding conferences have done, RD#6th will consider the theory and practice of radical democracy in its historical and contemporary settings.

This year’s theme is galvanized by an attention to the mattering happening all around us, and the ways these matters make radical claims upon the demos — popular sovereignty, demagoguery and tyranny, fascism and anti-fascist uprisings, racial justice, freedom struggles, declarations of defiance, resistance to oppression and colonial violence, and ongoing grassroots organizing; from Palestine to Ferguson, Aleppo to Charlotte, London to New York, Oaxaca to Athens, Dhaka to Rio de Janeiro; people rise up in defense of water, land and democratic sovereignty; create migrant spaces of refuge, and enact critical multi-species with-standings around the world. As always we urge submissions of panel and paper abstracts that take up the theme of Radical Democracy in all its global resonance.

You can read the (updated) full CFP here.


Please submit your panel or paper abstracts by March 5, 2017 - March 17th to radicaldemocracy@newschool.edu. Full conference papers are due by April 9, 2017 - April 21, 2017.